Single Elixir

Soothing, healing, love, goddess & angelic relationships
A deep healing energy bringing balance to heart, love, expression, creativity while strengthening your interaction, awareness, communication & integration of information from higher counsel, angels & faeries.  It softens emotional overload, allowing one to center, ask for help, surrender issues then allow for positive solutions & outcomes.  This elixir is a transformational guide bringing calm & balance into change & emotional confusion,    

Higher guidance, ancient wisdom, protection & wholeness                      
The attributes of Amethyst with added access to your personal wisdom & that of the ancients.  A powerful grounding elixir (Hematite cap) allowing you to soar with the eagles.  'Red Cap Amethyst' activates a bridge into your unconscious library & higher octave of your growth, lessons, talents, accomplishments & character. Experience increased vitality, perception, progression, meditative retention, creativity & the capacity to 'bring together' in action that which you are striving for.  A superb stimulant for forward movement & change.    


Utilizing the unlimited potential from within 
This elixir brings you to soul cognizance & your original Source imprint of perfection, unlimited potential, possibility & all that you can be.  The resonance is a joyous resurgence of imagination, creativity, vision, expectation, gratitude, desire & the willingness to believe in attaining accomplishment.  A special essence to strengthen your chakra system, electromagnetic flow, physical stamina & reignite the positive aspects of your will & personal power. This elixir activates a path of beauty & light to access higher beings, counsel & Source while clearing away the cobwebs & residue of doubt, uncertainty & disbelief.   

Serendipitous magic...
Getting to the bottom or origin of what you are seeking, developing or experiencing.  These insights often arise from a "library type angel" leading you to the desired information, potential or solution in a synchronistic yet happenstance fashion.  An excellent elixir to utilize during all forms of research, discovery & to overcome 'locked in' patterns that are seemingly unreachable.  One will suddenly have 'the luck of the Irish" always being in the right spot at the right time!  A seeker's guide & support in the uncovering of hidden information, & insights then understanding & transformation.    

Revitalization of heart & spirit
A calming, balancing tonic for de-stressing, centering & the removal of chaotic energy & experiences.  This elixir provides a safe space to blend reason, emotions & your true desires into positive choice & direction.  A gentle buffer to assist in dissolving the 'foggy', confusing & disruptive patterns of emotional drama so prominent in daily living.  Apatite helps you see 'the bigger picture' providing insight into where 'others may stand in the moment' thereby providing guidance & insight for positive choice in the 'NOW'.  A soothing de-frazzler!    

Illumination, forgiveness & falling in love with YOU
An elixir to gently & thoroughly elevate your body frequency to receive & utilize the higher planes of your spiritual awareness.  This aligns you with soul presence & the more real you.  Atlantasite is an inner being of compassion transmuting judgement & condemnation to forgiveness & optimism. This combo (Stichtite & Serpentine) takes you within & beyond time, space, personality & experience to revel & fall in love with you.  It is here that you heal & rewrite the context of your story, your life to be what you want.  Ask for help, your counsel merely awaits your readiness to explore & live the mystical, magickal life you deserve to create.  A peaceful warrior to guide, support & enhance your journey.   

A natural synergy of crystals & minerals providing exceptional growth & evolution 
The following can be found in Auralite: Ajoite, Amethyst, Bornite, Cacoxenite, Chalcopyrite, Copper, Covelite, Epidote, Geothite, Gold, Hematite, Iron, Lepidocrosite, Limonite, Magnetite, Nickel, Platinum, Pyrite, Pyrolusite, Rutile, Silver, Sphalerite, Titanite
Auralite 23 activates a path of love, inner connectedness & higher guidance while clearing, healing & transforming obstacles, muddy perceptions & misconstrued insights.   As this 'washing away' takes place, a new surface appears providing a secure inner space to be open & vulnerable to the self healing & the movement  out of & beyond the mundane.   This energy stimulates awareness of internal needs & imbalances, then gently sweeps away constriction.  Auralite 23 aligns your core radiance with the Angelic & Faerie realms & in so doing, becomes a powerful guide during major evolution, growth & wholeness.   

Receiving strength, stability & optimism from mother earth 
This positive radiance fully tethers & grounds you to the base needed to explore,  download, integrate, assimilate & harmonize with your higher mind.  To truly co-create & manifest you must be present upon earth yet capable of maneuvering the various realms of consciousness.  Axinite is an anchor in the physical allowing you to reach beyond, acquire & incorporate that which is necessary to make the desired changes.  It is a earth friend assisting you to easily become 'more' in all aspects of your life.   A happy stone encouraging positive support & self healing with elegance & ease.   

Communication, vision, expression & translation of thought, blends higher mind & perceptions   
A stone of emergence awakening & expanding ones consciousness & ability to collect, define, catalog, assimilate & present information & insights often beyond ones normal perception.  Use to dissolve existing inscriptions of thought, behavior & beliefs coming from early family/societal doctrines that no longer serve your growth, individuality, freedom & unique creativity.  This elixir expands your world into new potential & gives you the strength to fully express you.  Azurite works with each of the chakras as to  how you design, develop, communicate & express each of your energy fields & is not about or limited to words.   

Essence of Light
 descriptions for 
​Essence of Light 
Crystal & Faerie Elixirs

We have
 over 190 elixirs 
available for purchase.
It is our desire 
to provide 
you with a variety of 
very unique 'liquid stones'.
Those presently displayed
offer a distinctive range 
of gentle & profound 
essences to 
enhance your
self healing
& growth.

If there is a specific
single elixir you desire
& do not see, please 
let us know & we 
can make it 
 to you.
[email protected]

For additional information 
We endorse the following experts:
Love Is In The Earth:  Melody
The Book of Stones:  
Simmons & Ahsian
Crystal Bible:  Judy Hall
Gem Elixirs &
Vibrational Healing:
US shipping only