Working With Archangel & Master's Symbols
These are Giclee Prints & have been channeled from each being.

The symbols can be placed around your healing, meditation & sleep area or where that particular being can best work with you. Always place divine light around your space first to create & hold your personal sense of protection & security as you open to what you are seeking.

If your desire is to receive information, guidance, a more heightened relationship (with that angel or master), healing, manifestation, etc. then you may want to hold the symbol between your hands or with one hand above & the other below. You will feel the best way to receive the energy for yourself. You can also write a name upon a small piece of white paper, place in center of symbol & request healing or assistance for yourself or another. 

If holding, breathe into & extend breath to the tail bone. This will almost automatically take place with your first breath, especially with AA Raphael. Continue to breath the extended breath & imagine a column of vibrant light/color forming a chamber (12-14 inches above your crown chakra & head) flowing down through your entire body & grounding you into mother earth. You are then ready to activate the healing, recharging, balancing or manifesting desired. When complete in your process or meditation, request that being to seal their energy & the chamber of their light about you. To reactivate during the day, merely breathe the extended breath & or color.

Some will 'feel' heat, rushes of energy, calm, softness, tingles or see colors as they connect with the resonance of a symbol. Some will just 'know' they are aligned as it feels 'right'. You, your higher self & personal counsel know how you best receive energy. Everyone is unique, there is never just one way to do so.
An Affirmation you may like to work with:
"I am open, I AM willing, I allow myself to receive & I accept all of the: _________________ or better & it is done. This can affirm general or specific healing, abundance, guidance, money, new relationship, etc. Just keep it simple & short. Use 1-3 times daily or more. This can be memorized &repeated without going into meditation.

Note: The above affirmation is & can be used as an OVERRIDE. When we love our self enough to be Open, Willing to Receive, & Accept the desired outcome then the verbiage can become our truth. It is also very important that ‘it’ is what you want…that you are passionate about your desire. This last is why it is important to add “This or Better”. That allows your Source group to expand your energy to include things or situations beyond your awareness. Important: Saying the words or repeating affirmations sets one up for shifting the situations you want to change. Initially this comes from the mental body… you are speaking it from your brain. As you align with the desire, accept that you can & already have “IT”, even before it is visible… you then create ownership of that desire & that vibration draws it to you. Add the support of the Angel, Master & Source energy you work with & manifestation can take place.

Suggestion: If your intention is manifestation then specify what you want i.e. - cleansing of chakras, organs, bodies, more insight, guidance, money, a material thing or change. Then always add this or better. If you are working to alter, clear or remove old patterns or habits then ask for that assistance & include "clearing or removal to the point of origin" which may come from this or other life experiences. If intention is to recharge your batteries (chakras) it usually takes 10 - 15 minutes depending upon depletion level. This process can be utilized as desired. NOTE: The symbols & colors have been channeled from the individual being. Colors may be traditionally associated with the symbol being or new to you. 
  Many of the Archangels shown may be one of your guardian angels. Ask! Having the visual & energy emitted from a symbol & their elixir can activate a deeper relationship of trust & growth with that being. The Angels’ & Masters’ act as divine conduits bringing forth more of Source’s Love, Abundance & Prosperity to YOU.  

With blessings of joy on your spiritual path.  
Sharra Lyn  

Symbol Detail
Essence of Light

& how to use
The following symbols to be displayed soon:  AA Raphael, AA Michael, AA Gabriel, AA Uriel, AA Metatron, Edgar Cayce & more...