Clearing Residue Of Past & Present Injuries & Experiences
Trauma Release supports the removal of remaining energetic scar tissue from physical and emotional situations. This elixir can also be utilized to relieve stress related energy & discomfort.
When injury is strong enough, the molecules surrounding it become disrupted. This can create bruises, muscle extension, residual swelling, tightness, limping, sensitivity, broken bones and pain flair ups. Even after the body has technically healed, periodic or constant discomfort can remain.  The body can retain imprints of such shock or trauma until consciously released.  

An amputee has phantom sensitivity from the missing body part because its imprint remain in the Auric, etheric and emotional bodies.  Trauma with intense memories can stay and be experienced in the root energy of the traumatized part of the body. This is evident with individuals having shadow pain without outward cause. The pain is real stemming from emotions bubbling up as a reminder of an unresolved issue and the potential of forgiveness or the self healing needed to move forward. 

Forgiveness is not condoning the person or cause of an issue. It is lifting the blame in order to free oneself from being powerless and victimized.   As a victim one is helpless to change anything or move forward.   In releasing blame one can regain one’s personal power transmuting traumatized energy.  As long as blame remains, one is saying "you did this to me and I am powerless to change".   That does not mean there wasn't misconduct or responsibility of actions.  It is saying that one is ready to move forward releasing the connection (blame/anger) that keeps them attached and in battle.
During extreme trauma one can become out of alignment with being fully present in the body. Generally this reverses itself once shock, pain and distress are relieved. In some cases one may resist or stay in this ‘detached’ energy alignment numbing the emotions and memory of the event. Over long periods, this detachment can bring about poor circulation, burning in feet and lower extremities, lack of sensation, and pain coupled with a tendency to trip, fall or even re injury the original trauma.  

Again, it is important to ask for help in the lifting and release of these old issues, hurts, traumas…even if you aren’t certain what they are. Whatever is there is so because it is stuck, which can indicate the individual feels stuck.  When you use Trauma Release to clear old injuries it is important to set your  intentions of change.  Once done, a portal  forms enveloping you in an immense energy of possibility and potential miracles.  To change one has to let go of what was to make space for the new.  And a miraculous healing is receiving more than one thought possible!

Trauma Release gem elixir can be misted immediately after impact to the body.  The release of the ‘shock’ vibration causing the disruption may be dissolved and realigned instantly. I have found mist form to be especially helpful after I have bumped into something which would normally cause aches, light bruising, headache or soreness. On occasion I have waited 5-10 minutes and reapplied even adding Reiki energy to assist in ‘breaking down’ the original disruptive pattern. 
Distilled water, essences (Aventurine, Bustamite, Cacoxenite, Magnetite, Record Keeper Quartz, Essence of Color, Essence of Light) alcohol as the holding agent.
This product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent illness, injury or disease.
Essence of Light

Trauma Release
For Directions See
Choosing Elixirs