Magical Spectrums Of Rainbows, Moonbeams, Sunbeams & Crystalline Light
This elixir resonates with and expands your 8th Chakra, Auric field energy, vibrancy, life force, color radiancy, change and the supportive frequencies of the chakra systems. Experience an increase of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abundance and well being.
Faerie Dust is a proprietary blend of light, color, crystal and vibratory frequencies activated by the faerie and angelic realms.
The faeries introduced me to 'light patches' many years ago while working with a Reiki client with a repressed tissue renewal capacity. At the end of our energy session four small beings came into my vision carrying a shimmering gauze patch. They inquired if they could assist in her healing process by the use of a 'light patch'? Her response was yes, followed by a deep sigh and immediate warmth across her tummy. I was told that the 'patch' would sustain an on going energy supply until her natural flow of strength and stamina returned. (She had just come through a series of extensive surgical procedures.) At her next appointment she was jubilant informing me that her incisions had healed without further medical procedures; her surgeon was perplexed yet very pleased and those of the faerie and angelic realms were in total joy as they lovingly enveloped her in sparkling light.
And now of the patches. They are woven on the etheric planes by the faeries using specific light spectrums generated by rainbows, sunbeams and moonbeams. The filaments are light, color (inclusive of the violet) ray and sound that spiral in rainbow patterns into and around the entire body spectrum. Etherically the energy appears as a geyser of sparkling bubbles jetted upward to then shower down into the auric body. This re-circling of light provides energy enhancement plus additional oxygen which is both calming and uplifting to our entire energy field. It also encourages cellular renewal and self healing.
Faerie Dust elixir enhances the available light levels in the physical, plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. I have misted it in rooms then watched others enter into and visibly shift their energy. At times the effects are so powerful to bring forth an instant smile, softening of their consciousness and an openness not formerly there. A single spritz in plant water encourages growth. A spritz upon self and animals can strengthen and seal auric fields. Used with 'Energy Clear' my food has less chemical residual and retains its vitamin and nutrient freshness. The use of Faerie Dust has expanded my thinking in my relationship with self and always reminds me to be open to that which lays beyond the traditional.
Science tells us that everything is energy... Faerie Dust is a tool that can increase light levels and encourages each of us to become more. I have found that its uses are as varied and unique as we can imagine and allow!
It's base is distilled water, essences (a proprietary blend of Sunbeams, Moonbeams, Rainbows, Crystals, Love, Faerie & Angelic Joy), alcohol is the holding agent.
Disclaimer: The above product statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Essence of Light elixirss are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Contact your physician or health care practitioner for the treatment of illness.