Renewing Foundational Energy
Energy, stamina & clarity are enhanced while supplying important vibrations to each of the body functions.
This essence is formulated to provide the frequencies of base elements to supplement the body during expansion, growth and self healing.  Each frequency comes from a specific metal resonance that can be used by the physical and energetic bodies to strengthen, assimilate, synergize and sustain new formats of energy and information.  "Base" provides vibrational composites usable in the 'building blocks' of all forms of change.    

Because our bodies are making dramatic changes (transforming carbon body matter into crystalline electrons), there body can desire additional elements to support these dramatic growth changes.   

    Base can assist one in aligning with their spiral balances and utilizing each level while standing steady and centered upon an energetic foundation.  This strengthening radiance brings an increase in physical vitality at all levels.
Distilled water, essences (Brass, Copper, Gold, Iron, Lithium, Rutile, Silver, Titanium) alcohol as holding agent.
Brass:  A metal alloy formed from Copper & zinc. Energetically it has been helpful in bringing balance to skeletal structures (foundations) while releasing non-supportive frequencies.
Copper:  Used in cases of exhaustion, mental fatigue & inflammatory conditions.  In the integrated theories of modern & homeopathic medicine, copper is utilized to harmonize & balance the astral physical bodies. Often  referred to as the 'metal of assimilation', & foundational support. Copper aligns the 1st through 5th chakra centers while expanding the heart's consciousness. Acting as a conductor, it supports new activity, growth & expansion.  
Gold:  Often considered a 'master healer' in the realm of crystals and minerals.  Its radiance is that of the Sun, life force, fire, archetypal masculine energy, self-confidence, creation and form.  A foundational element necessary for life and growth.  It is often useful to revitalize physical due to its ease in radiating electrical frequencies.  It can be helpful in expressing the culmination of that which has been incorporated & coming into form.  
Iron:  Provides a powerful building block of strength, courage, steadfastness, grounding, calm, fortitude & structure.  
Lithium:  Awakening & expansion with one's higher consciousness.  Inner peace, calm, precision, conciseness, release of stress & integration.
Rutile:  One of the five forms of titanium dioxide found in nature, often utilized with quartz crystal.  Forming in spears it is like a laser beam attracting, amplifying, expanding and grounding one's intention & directives. 
Silver:  The metal representing the divine feminine, also lunar & inner realms.  Conception, perception, creation, new birth, inspiration, the base of life.  It is the metal of "The Goddess", receiving & the opening to what lays beyond.
Titanium:  Often associated with quartz crystal & utilized to expand energy, vitality, stamina, enthusiasm, harmony, expressions of joy, humor, happiness & centering.  It, due to its range of color radiations, is a direct link & activator of the 'Rainbow Grid' of color emanations & life force.

Each ingredient has a wide range of physical attributes that can be supportive in one's personal growth, self-healing & well-being.  For additional detail info see  The Book of Stones, Love is in the Earth & Gem Elixir & Vibrational Healing, The Bible (J.Hall).  

Essence of Light


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Choosing Elixirs